(EnviroNews California) — Point Reyes National Seashore, Marin County, California — Nearly 300 “elktivists” made their voices heard on September 27, 2020 at a large demonstration inside the Point Reyes National Seashore at the gates of Clover Dairy. The crowd gathered to support tule elk (Cervus canadensis nannodes) and…
(EnviroNews California) — Hayfork, California — With people staying inside during the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been a good number of extraordinary animal sightings in cities around the world. According to the BBC, dolphins have gone further into the Bosphorus in Instanbul. Wild boars are emboldened and more prevalent…
(EnviroNews California) — Oakland, CA — Students, poets, singers and activists took to the podium on March 25, 2018, at the historic March for Our Lives demonstration in Oakland, California. The event was attended by over 3,000 people and was a vibrant part of what news agencies and…
(EnviroNews California) — Santa Rosa, California — “The fires came down and burned night and day. All we could do is watch and pray. They left the landscape all black and grey — Alleluia anyway.” Those were the words sung on December 10, 2017, by soloist, conductor and…
(EnviroNews California) — Monte Rio, California — It’s a rare event that typically takes one of these spiny green cacti a decade or more to achieve: the first opening of its strikingly white flower. When the San Pedro cactus does finally bloom, spectators are lucky to see its…
(EnviroNews California) — Monte Rio, California — Sonoma County, California is considered one of the most progressive, green and environmentally friendly counties in the United States, but a community Easter egg hunt that went down on March 26, 2016, called the area’s green reputation into question. EnviroKids correspondent…
(EnviroNews California) — Stockton, California — As the festering water crisis in Stockton, California continues to unfurl, legendary groundwater defender and celebrity activist Erin Brockovich arrived on the scene February 1, 2016, to add her voice to the many outraged voices from the community, already calling foul. Traveling…
(EnviroNews California) — Stockton, CA — At a packed and emotionally charged town-hall meeting on Feb 1, 2016, in Stockton, California, celebrated environmental activist and consumer advocate Erin Brockovich addressed a crowd of over 1,200 people concerning the city’s festering water crisis. After failing a compliance test for…
(EnviroNews California) — The hummingbird beats its tiny wings at about 80 times per second, which creates the bird’s infamous humming sound. These tiny little guys are the smallest birds in the world with 30 percent of their body composed of flight muscles. Hummingbirds are fascinating creatures, not…
(EnviroNews California) — Cobb, California — The devastation is heart-wrenching — the destruction, jaw-dropping. These were the emotions I was experiencing as local EnviroNews California rolled through the rubbled, smoldering, evacuation zone inside Northern California’s raging “Valley Fire.” Seasoned veteran firefighters from Cal Fire, who’ve been fighting fires…
(EnviroNews California) — “Helix aspersa,” or more commonly known as the garden snail, are one of the slowest creatures on Earth — moving at a blistering speed of 50 yards per hour or 1.3cm per second! However, what they lack in speed they make up for in strength….
(EnviroNews California) –
(EnviroNews California) – The infamous accident at Pennsylvania’s Three Mile Island power facility is typically the first meltdown that comes to mind when people think about nuclear disasters in America. While journalists and editors at CNN have reported it was the worst nuclear meltdown ever in the United…
While CNN calls Three Mile Island the worst nuclear disaster on American soil, the news agency completely overlooks the Santa Susana Field Laboratory meltdown in 1959 — a meltdown that occurred without a containment structure in place. No one knows how much radiation was released, because the…
The ocean waters around the Farallon Islands served as a nuclear waste dumping ground from 1948 until 1970. Just 30 miles from San Francisco, the Atomic Energy Commission threw almost 50,000 barrels of waste into the Pacific Ocean, along with other radioactive waste — such as the USS…