Colbert: Trump Failed in Repealing ObamaCare So He ‘Repealed the Environment’ Instead

(EnviroNews USA Headline News Desk) — On March 28, 2017, President Donald Trump signed a sweeping executive order aimed at killing air and water regulations, rolling back climate efforts, and propping up the coal industry, in what conservationists and ordinary citizens alike are calling an all out war on science and the environment.
In the order, “Mr. Trump made clear that the United States [has] no intention of meeting the commitments that his predecessor has made to curb planet-warming carbon dioxide pollution, turning denials of climate change into national policy,” reported Alissa J. Rubin and Coral Davenport for the New York Times.
While this is certainly no laughing matter, Steven Colbert, a vehement critic of President Trump, made the situation a little more palatable as he ripped America’s Chief Executive in his monologue to uproarious laughter, saying:
If you watch the news, and I hope you do, a lot of people are upset with Donald Trump, because he’s not keeping all of his campaign promises. He didn’t repeal ObamaCare last week. So, today he kept an important campaign promise — one that he said many times — today, he repealed the environment.
The popular late night host continued:
So, why is Trump doing this? Why would he do this? Well, according to the head of the EPA (and guy who hates the EPA) Scott Pruitt, “it’s going to create jobs.” Yes! Repealing environmental regulations will create all sorts of new jobs: oil refining, fracking, clean water historian, keeper of the last six bees, and of course, and most importantly to Trump and his campaign promises, it is going to reinvigorate coal mining… I know “clean coal” sounds like an oxymoron, but so does “President Trump.”
The rest of this episode you can watch for yourself in the embedded video player below, and hint: it contains an old-school cartoon of Woodsy Owl, with a new and revised message to contrast his old and outdated trademark slogan, “Give a hoot, don’t pollute.” Most viewers report finding it very funny indeed.
- Emerson Urry - Journalist, Author