(EnviroNews World News) — A new study suggests Australian magpies (Gymnorhina tibicen) are willing to help other group members without receiving an immediate reward – an extremely rare trait in nature. Scientists at Australia’s University of the Sunshine Coast were hoping to observe magpie movements using tracking devices…
(EnviroNews World News) — A signable petition, published by the non-profit media and animal advocacy organization Lady Freethinker, is nearing its next signature milestone of 35,000 signers on the Change.org platform. The petition demands that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) stop the inadvertent careless poisoning of…
(EnviroNews World News) — The French Air Force is taking drone defense to a whole new level. Their state-of-the-art weapons: four golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos). Yes, you did read that right, as in the living bird, and this aerial quartet has been trained since birth to take out…
(EnviroNews World News) — African grey parrot numbers have plunged by 99% in the west African country of Ghana a new in-depth census has shown. The dreadful data indicates the species is now critically endangered in the country. With the estimated intellectual capacity of a 5-year-old child, no…
(EnviroNews World News) — An American bald eagle smacked Donald Trump upside the head in August of 2015 when he was prepping for a TIME Magazine cover story. To be clear, the eagle bashed him in the hair not once, but several times — real quick like —…
(EnviroNews World News) — When it comes to nature and wildlife videos, we’ve seen a lot of ’em here at EnviroNews, and we’re pretty picky too when it comes to pumping up videos from outside our own archives. We have a mountain of unreleased wildlife films on-hand as…
(EnviroNews World News) — Well, the header on this story pretty much says it all. It’s hard to imagine a bird, weighing less than one pound, and having legs only a few inches long, could either keep up with, or even beat Usain Bolt, the Jamaican track-and-field sprint…
(EnviroNews World News) — What would Darwin say? What is the evolutionary advantage of a couple of black swans feeding their food to hungry koi fish? Or are there more powerful forces at work in the world than evolutionary advantage? Love or compassion for your fellow creatures for…
(EnviroNews World News) — Victoria, Australia — Aquila audax, or the Australian wedge-tailed eagle, is one of the largest and most powerful predatory birds sailing the skies above planet earth to be sure, but what one member of the species did in this video is simply something you…
(EnviroNews World News) — An incredible photo has been been circulating online after the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) posted it to its Twitter and Facebook accounts. The snapshot shows an Alaskan Bald Eagle brawling with two seagulls in midair. It was taken by David Canales while…
(EnviroNews World News) — While it’s certainly debatable as to what the smartest animals in the world are, it may be less disputable when attempting to zero in on the world’s smartest bird. While conducting research for this article, we were not surprised to find dozens upon dozens…
(EnviroNews World News) — The male gender will go to some pretty great lengths to attract a suitable female companion, but few in the wild world of nature can put on a show like Australia’s flamboyant lyrebird. A member of the Menuridae family, there are two distinct species…