Feds to Force-Feed More Pasteurized Skim/Fat-Free Milk to School Kids Nationwide With School Milk Nutrition Act

Feds Trying to Force-Feed More Toxic Fat-Free Flavored Milk to School Kids Nationwide


(EnviroNews World News) — Washington D.C. — When House Bill 2407, a.k.a. School Milk Nutrition Act of 2015, was introduced in mid-May by U.S. Representatives Glenn ‘GT’ Thompson (R-PA) and Joe Courtney (D-CT), it was followed by a hail of firebombs from the media and activist groups alike.

The Hill reported:

It’s unfair that federal child nutrition programs spend millions of dollars helping milk producers stay wealthy, while students suffer the health consequences. The School Milk Nutrition Act of 2015 that was introduced in Congress this week is the latest attempt by the dairy industry to make money from the government by keeping milk on school lunch trays.

Milk is clearly in trouble. Americans are consuming less—and that’s making industry groups like the International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA) and the National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF) nervous.

The Alliance for Natural Health USA (ANH-USA) website blogged about it this way:

As usual, there are powerful interests involved: the dairy industry, looking to regain market share, is very much in support of the new bill.

The bill completely ignores the evidence indicating that whole dairy, as opposed to low-fat or non-fat, is the healthier option. Research has shown that consuming whole-fat dairy lowers the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and bowel cancer, and causes less weight gain compared to low-fat and non-fat dairy. The federal government, and the sponsors of this bill, rely on outdated ideas pointing to saturated fat as the enemy despite current research that says otherwise.

Of course the sponsors of the bill are advocating an entirely different point of view. An article from Rep. Thompson’s own digital “Media Center” quotes the congressman stating:

Milk is the number one source of nine essential nutrients in many young American’s diets and provides many significant health benefits… The School Milk Nutrition Act of 2015 seeks to reverse the decline of milk consumption in schools throughout Pennsylvania and across the country.

Well, at least he didn’t beat around the bush. There you have it. Rep. Thompson’s point of view is that Americans, and kids in particular, should be guzzling down as much milk as possible. Plain and simple.

Thompson’s counterpart in the bill Joe Courtney was quoted this way in the same “Media Center” article:

As our nation works to replace ‘empty calorie’ foods in our children’s school meals, one thing is clear—low-fat dairy is the opposite of ‘empty,’… It packs valuable nutrients including protein, potassium, and calcium—a solid foundation for building a healthy menu in America’s schools.

Another element is part of the School Milk Nutrition Act this time around — the inclusion of toxic flavored milk. ANH-USA addressed that issue in its article thusly:

Giving children flavored low-fat or non-fat milk adds insult to injury. Flavored milk contains all kinds of additives like high fructose corn syrup and artificial sweeteners like aspartame—a zero-calorie sweetener which Pepsi has just agreed to remove from its diet soda because of well-founded consumer concerns about safety.

Many non-organic, or GMO foods in America today carry potential hazards — from nasty testicle destroying pesticides — to carcinogenic chemical additives — to non-digestible, diabetes-causing corn syrup sweetening, Americans who don’t closely watch their diets these days will be exposed to myriad impurities without fail. That said, it is well known that drinking non-organic dairy can be one of the worst choices when it comes to food and beverage consumption.

Non-organic milk, albeit nearly double the price, is usually produced from lower grade food sources to start with — then, oftentimes gets loaded up with preventative antibiotics, and downright sketchy growth hormones that undoubtedly can adversely affect the developing gonads of male and female children.

Some raw food groups don’t feel we should be feeding children growth-hormone-laden pasteurized milk in schools at all, and tout the superior flavor, nutrition and health-boosting effects of raw milk versus pasteurized. Some of those same folks prefer to only give their children raw milk and reject pasteurized dairy products in any form.
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Though raw food groups have taken a lot heat, their fight to continue consuming raw foods has been fierce as can be viewed in the video below whenin local EnviroNews California interviewed Mark McAfee, President of America’s largest raw milk dairy.

What’s Really Behind the RAW MILK RAIDS and FDA-Fueled ‘Men in Black Goon Squads’?

The Hill reported that 187 million less pints of milk had been served to school kids between 2012 and 2014. Groups have argued that these dire stats explain the attempt at a big government handout to the dairy industry with the School Milk Nutrition Act of 2015.

HB 2407 is currently pending — watch this space to see if children will be forced to consume even more fat-free and not toxically loaded flavored milk.