DAPL Security Guard Arrested For Pulling Gun — Native American ‘Protectors’ Set His Truck on Fire

(EnviroNews World News) — Fort Yates, North Dakota — Following a car chase and an armed standoff, a man concluded to be a Dakota Access Pipeline Project (DAPL) security guard, reportedly burst into a protest encampment and pointed an assault rifle at a Sioux teenager after what had been a monumental deadlock earlier in the day, between intertribal Native American protestors (who prefer to be called “protectors”), and a multi-agency coalition of militarized police wielding pepper spray, tear gas, tasers, guns, tanks, helicopters and even deafening sonic weaponry. The man, whose ID indicated he was “DAPL Security,” has since been apprehended by Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Police and turned over to the FBI.
Following the day’s melee where as many as 141 “protectors” were “violently arrested” and hauled away from the scene in busses, Wes Enzinna, a senior editor at Mother Jones, reported that at around 5 p.m., “multiple eyewitnesses” said the suspect, whose name is yet to be released by police, was driving down Highway 1806 in a white Chevy Silverado with an assault rifle in the cab. The road has served as the primary battle ground between the protectors and DAPL security. Natives and other supporters then hopped in two cars and chased the man toward a place called Backwater Bridge. [EDITOR’S NOTE: The suspect has since been identified as Kyle Thompson of North Dakota.]
After the chasers ran the Silverado off the road, the suspect exited the vehicle with a 9mm handgun and an AR-15 assault rifle, and then “pointed it at the head of one of his pursuers.”
“You can’t kill all of us,” one of the protectors yelled to the suspect. “You’re just going to make things worse.”
After this, witnesses said the man waded out into shallow water whereafter a half hour negotiation ensued, wherein the protectors attempted to get the man to turn over his firearms. The suspect did not comply with those requests.
Ryan Vizziones, a photographer and activist, “watched as several people waded into the pool after the armed man” attempting to get him to surrender. But, to no avail. Vizziones took photos of the event as people tried repeatedly to talk the suspect down.

Following the half hour standoff, “more than a dozen” BIA Police cars arrived on the scene, whereafter authorities were able to successfully disarm the suspect and take him into custody.
When he was on his way to the Standing Rock Sioux Tribal Police Department in Fort Yates, a person unknown to EnviroNews World News, drove the Chevy Silverado about a half mile up the road, close to where police and protectors were still colliding, after which a group of people raided the truck.
In the raid, protectors found a photo ID badge of the man that said “DAPL Security.” They also found insurance cards issued to Dakota Access LLC, out of Houston, Texas. After the protectors had “rifled through” the truck and taken the documents, they set it ablaze and watched it burn.

According to a spokesman from the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Police Department, the man was transferred to the FBI around 8 p.m. and taken to Bismarck, North Dakota, where he is being held. At this hour, media outlets are awaiting statements from the FBI on the case.

In related news, According to Mother Jones, the Morton County Sheriff’s Department said an “investigation is underway,” after an unnamed victim in another incident “was shot in the hand.”
[EDITOR’S NOTE: CORRECTION: It was originally reported that the suspect in this story was shot in the hand. In a separate incident, an unnamed suspect was shot in the hand]
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- Emerson Urry - Journalist, Author