(EnviroNews Utah) — Salt Lake City, Utah — In 2014, two bills sought to change, or eliminate entirely, an old code that has hobbled Utah’s regulatory agencies from doing anything unique to solve the state’s ongoing air pollution crisis. Section 19-2-106, implemented nearly three decades ago, hamstrings Utah’s…
EnviroNews USA
(EnviroNews Utah) — Salt Lake City, Utah — In what turned out to be a huge blow to environmentalists and Utah air pollution fighters alike, two highly anticipated bills, House Bill 121 and Senate Bill 164, put forth by Republican Representative Becky Edwards and Democratic Senator Gene Davis…
(EnviroNews Utah) — Salt Lake City, Utah — Utah often has the most dangerous air pollution in the United States, frequently and repeatedly soaring high above EPA compliance limits for what is considered “safe” for PM 2.5 particulate pollution. The health-hampering air crisis has become the number one…
(EnviroNews Utah) — Salt Lake City, Utah — Derek Kitchen knows something about working to establish “inalienable rights” in Utah. As a plaintiff with his partner, Moudi Sbeity, he was responsible for establishing the “right to love” in the reddest state in America, a place traditionally opposed to…
(EnviroNews Utah) — Salt Lake City, Utah — Following a hampering string of “Red Air” days, last year’s “Clean Air No Excuses” rally constituted the largest air-pollution-specific event in U.S., and possibly world history, according to research conducted at local EnviroNews Utah, and 2015’s “Clean Air No Excuses…
(EnviroNews Idaho) — Payette, Idaho — What’s easier than making oil and gas companies follow the law? How about changing the rules? That’s what officials in Payette County, Idaho are attempting after it became apparent current regulations are not being complied with. The oil and gas industry could…
(EnviroNews DC News Bureau and EnviroNews Idaho) — Boise, Idaho — On January 21, 2015 President Barack Obama followed up on his State of the Union address from the night before, choosing Boise State University as the venue. The President seemed to be in a jovial mood and…
(EnviroNews Idaho) — Boise, Idaho — In what represents at least a temporary monkeywrench for the oil and gas business, on Jan. 19, 2015, the Idaho House Resource and Conservation Committee threw the industry a curveball when it decided to hold up a vote on Idaho’s newly proposed…
(EnviroNews Utah) — Salt Lake City, Utah — 25 activists from the group Utah Tar Sands Resistance (UTSR) were finally sentenced today in a Vernal courtroom in Uintah County, Utah. Most of the individuals sentenced were arrested on July 23, 2014 after chaining themselves to mining equipment inside…
(EnviroNews Idaho) — Payette, Idaho — To virtually no one’s surprise, on January 5, 2015, the Payette County Commission voted unanimously to shoot down three congruent appeals heard last month, and to uphold a previous decision by the Payette County Planning and Zoning Commission (P&Z) to allow a…
(EnviroNews Idaho) — Payette, Idaho — A heated and starkly divided public appeal hearing over a railway transportation facility, a.k.a. “bomb train station,” went down in Payette County Idaho on December 4, 2014. The highlights, EnviroNews Idaho’s in-depth report, and excerpts from the transcript are as follows: Joli…
(EnviroNews Idaho) — Payette, Idaho — Southwest Idaho’s natural gas trade has just seventeen wells, of which only one is officially in production. As more infrastructure is needed to support the nascent industry some area businesses may be thrown under the bus to accommodate increased gas production. The…
(EnviroNews DC News Bureau via EnviroNews Utah) — This video represents a labor of love and is presented this holiday season from all of us at EnviroNews to you. Showcased here are fall-time highlights captured over the course of several years by EnviroNews Founder and Editor-in-Chief Emerson Urry…
(EnviroNews Utah) — Salt Lake City, Utah — These were the types of shocking allegations levied by a masked man in the full-feature documentary titled Medial Waste Madness – ‘The Devil’s Work’ on EnviroNews in September of 2014 — The result: Three investigations launched by the Utah Governor’s…
(EnviroNews Idaho) — Payette, Idaho — Alta Mesa Idaho vice president and general counsel John Peiserich will not face battery charges stemming from a November 17 scuffle with EnviroNews editor-in-chief Emerson Urry. Urry has recused himself from his editing duties on this article. Prosecutor Bert Osborn released his…