(EnviroNews Utah) — Vernal, Utah — The following video report emanates from a demonstration at the PR Springs tar sands test site on the Tavaputs Plateau in late September of 2017. The transcript reads as follows: Emerson Urry (Narrating): In a remarkable turn of events in late September,…
(EnviroNews Utah) — Salt Lake City, Utah — 25 activists from the group Utah Tar Sands Resistance (UTSR) were finally sentenced today in a Vernal courtroom in Uintah County, Utah. Most of the individuals sentenced were arrested on July 23, 2014 after chaining themselves to mining equipment inside…
(EnviroNews Utah) — PR Springs, Utah — On Monday, July 23, 2014, a confrontation between police and environmental activists protesting tar sands development at PR Springs in Utah resulted in two people being injured and 21 people arrested. Between 70 and 80 protesters gathered at the sight of…
(EnviroNews DC News Bureau) — Washington D.C. — Even before Tom Weis made his call for people to show up at the site of U.S. Oil Sands tar sands development, Utah’s own Utah Tar Sands Resistance (UTSR) has been holding campouts at PR Springs to bring attention to…
(EnviroNews Utah) – Salt Lake City – Peaceful Uprising has demanded that the Department of Air Quality (DAQ) ban all tar sands refining in the state of Utah, and has called upon them to reject any further permit requests for tar sands refining or development in the future….
(EnviroNews Utah) – With five oil refineries, the world’s largest open-pit copper mine, a nuclear waste dump, two medical incinerators, chemical and pharmaceutical plants, dusty cement mines, countless oil and gas wells and waste disposal operations, a proposed nuclear power facility, America’s first approved tar sands mine and…
(EnviroNews California) – White Rocks, Utah – After a 105 hour work week, and a whirlwind, 5 day, start-to-finish documentary production on America’s first approved commercial tar sands mine in Utah’s pristine Tavaputs Plateau, EnviroNews USA Editor-in-Chief Emerson Urry raced across the massive Uintah Basin oil turf in…
(EnviroNews Utah) – EDITOR’S NOTE: When originally released, this documentary filmed was titled, “Families Camp Out in Protest to Save the Tavaputs Plateau from America’s First Approved Commercial Tar Sands Mine.” The transcript reads as follows: Tar sands, oil sands, asphalt, and bituminous sands. These names all represent…
(EnviroNews Utah) – On the weekend of June 21, 2013, families gathered together at the PR Springs area to learn about tar sands as part of the educational campout organized by Utah Tar Sands Resistance. Children were able to see what leaking tar looked and smelled like and…
(EnviroNews Utah) – At an outing on the majestic Tavaputs Plateau in Utah where families with children had congregated in protest of America’s first approved commercial tar sands mine, Shad Engkilterra, reporter for local EnviroNews Utah gave his account of his visit to the old and abandoned Leonard…