(EnviroNews Utah) — Blanding, Utah — Energy Fuels Resources USA Inc.’s (Energy Fuels) White Mesa Mill is importing 136 tons of radioactive material from Japan, and the public has no say in the matter, according to the Salt Lake Tribune – Utah’s most widely circulated newspaper. The shipment was…
(EnviroNews Utah via Community Watch Blog) – The Stericycle medical waste incineration plant couldn’t have picked a worse time to have another large, visible emergency episode, considering all of the recent controversy swirling around the company. On Friday evening, a 5K race was underway in the North Salt…
(EnviroNews Utah) — Salt Lake City — There were enraged citizens from all walks of life at the “Rally to Restore Sanity to Government” held at the Utah State Capitol on the second to last day of the 2012 legislative session. The event was moved inside due to…