(EnviroNews Nevada) — Oravado, Nevada — New complaints have been filed by the Reno-Sparks Indian Colony and a Northern Paiute group known as People of Red Mountain in their federal lawsuit against the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). The case aims to thwart plans for a large-scale strip…
(EnviroNews Nature) — On World Wildlife Day, March 3, 2017, EnviroNews Nature released one of the largest and most expansive documentaries ever published on a wildlife species in peril — the greater sage grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus). The academic yet entertaining film spans a plethora of topics and includes…
(EnviroNews Nevada) – On a cold and gloomy day in Salt Lake City a hoard of protestors gathered outside of the Gary Herbert Energy Summit to detest an array of what they deemed to be failed energy policy and industrial polluter giveaways. Amongst the array of speakers was…