(EnviroNews Wyoming) — The battle between the wind power industry and conservation NGOs protecting golden eagles just heated up in the wake of President Trump’s Executive Order 90 FR 8363, issued on Jan. 20, 2025. The Albany County Conservancy (ACC), the Wyoming Association of Professional Archaeologists, and three…
(EnviroNews Utah) — Provo, Utah — On a July night in the summer of 2024, David Kirkham was watching a documentary on YouTube with his family about the greater roadrunner (Geococcyx californianus) — the fastest running feathered creature on Earth that can also fly. Never in his wildest…
(EnviroNews USA Headline News Desk) — New York City, New York — Hundreds of birds have been killed after flying into New York City skyscrapers. Experts have suggested turbulent weather may have contributed to the freak event which saw nearly 300 migratory birds fatally collide with buildings on…
(EnviroNews Nature) — On World Wildlife Day, March 3, 2017, EnviroNews Nature released one of the largest and most expansive documentaries ever published on a wildlife species in peril — the greater sage grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus). The academic yet entertaining film spans a plethora of topics and includes…