(EnviroNews DC News Bureau) — Vernal — Good evening. I’m Heather Murdock reporting to you on EnviroNews USA tonight from Los Angeles, in an absolutely packed episode that is sure to be a shocker for those concerned about air quality, climate change and human health. In response to…
(EnviroNews DC News Bureau) – EDITORIAL: To begin this brief exposé on natural gas, we’re going to take a peek at a couple of snips of President Barack Obama in what looks like little less than a blatant sales pitch for the expansion of natural gas as a…
(EnviroNews DC News Bureau) – Here at EnviroNews USA, we recently took a look into the public-records and portfolios of the father/son duo of Mitt and Josh Romney, and what we discovered wasn’t much of a surprise. I’m sure no one will be dismayed to hear that this…
(EnviroNews DC News Bureau via EnviroNews Utah) – Hailed by many as our nation’s most poisoned hotbed of source-polluting industry, and, by and large, due to the republican-dominated, lop-sided legislature, the state of Utah has become a free-for-all fiesta for mineral barons and the profiteers of environmental waste….
(EnviroNews DC News Bureau) —
(EnviroNews DC News Bureau) – The passage of Senate Bill 1867 is being called the most traitorous act in the history of the Senate. The bill has now passed Congress in the form of House Resolution 1540 and is on the president’s desk awaiting signature. The act contains…
(EnviroNews DC News Bureau) – The passage of Senate Bill 1867 is being called the most traitorous act in the history of the Senate. The act contains convoluted language authored by John McCain a Republican, and Carl Levin a Democrat, that will extend U.S. military power to…