(EnviroNews Oregon) – Welcome to EnviroNews Oregon! This extraordinary film captured a blazing fire-red sky that left all in awe who witnessed it. From the EnviroNews nature and wildlife archives, this magnificent and colorful video was shot over Mt. Hood, Oregon, and serves as the official launch of…
(EnviroNews Wyoming) – In what is to serve as the official launch of EnviroNews Wyoming, this awesome video from the archives demonstrates a very young black bear grazing on grass and various plants in a large meadow in Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming. While taping the episode, the…
(EnviroNews DC News Bureau) – We finally made it happen! The official launch of our Nature and Wildlife division that has been quietly brewing and simmering on the back-burner in our archives for many years here at EnviroNews. The “other worldly ecosystem” of Antelope Island, in the middle…
(EnviroNews California) – The header on this newsreel speaks for itself. This ancient tree leaves most who come into its presence awestruck. From the EnviroNews Nature and Wildlife archives.
(EnviroNews California) – We revive this clip from the EnviroNews archives as a reminder of the beauty in the world. Thank you for watching!
(EnviroNews Utah) — Salt Lake City —
(EnviroNews California) – Lorin Trodderman of the Santa Cruz, California-based company Blue Lotus takes us through a tale of plastic pandemonium as he explains the devastation of plastic bags in our eco system, while simultaneously offering a simple and empowering solution. In this educational interview, Trodderman eloquently explains…
(EnviroNews California) – In this very unique episode, Daryl Hannah tells her story of how she bonded with wild wolves in the great outdoors. Via our coverage of the 2011 New Living Expo in San Francisco California.
(EnviroNews California) — San Francisco, California — At a forum at the 2011 New Living Expo in San Francisco California, Daryl Hannah speaks to the audience about her experience of growing up close to nature as a child. She goes on to explain how she was positively influenced…
(EnviroNews Utah) — Salt Lake City, Utah — Lynn de Freitas, Executive Director of Friends of Great Salt Lake, denounces the planned mine expansion of Kennecott Utah Copper at the Rio Tinto press conference April 14, 2011 at the Salt Lake City Library.
(EnviroNews California) — San Francisco, California — The ingenuity of the human spirit can be truly amazing, but this story takes that ingenuity to a whole new level. Tackling a wildlife quagmire in Sri Lanka, Dr. Karl Wald set out to find a solution that would create jobs,…