Medical Waste Archives - Page 3 of 44 - EnviroNews | The Environmental News Specialists
Tag Archives: Medical Waste

(EnviroNews California) – “How are we going to dispose of it without destroying ourselves?” This was the question posed by celebrity activist Erin Brockovich to EnviroNews California during a full-feature sit-down interview in Los Angeles. Medical waste is a topic that most people have probably given very little…

(EnviroNews California) – The Salt Lake Valley has a high number of industrial air polluters. To be frank, it’s loaded with them and its population is hobbled by some of the most dangerous air pollution on the entire planet. The pollution crisis is so severe, in fact, that…

(EnviroNews California) – Los Angeles – Celebrity activist Erin Brockovich is at it again. That is, taking on BIG polluters. Her most recent endeavor is the obscure and dark world of medical waste, a subject that most Americans have likely spent little time thinking about over the course…

(EnviroNews California) – Los Angeles – In a full-feature sit-down interview with EnviroNews USA Editor-in-Chief Emerson Urry, celebrity activist Erin Brockovich laid down strong messages on an array of environmental topics. From fracking to nuclear meltdowns, this woman is a coast-to-coast, worldwide environmental activism powerhouse. After catapulting into…

(EnviroNews Utah) – If you like to know about the medical science concerning increased disease risk at close proximity to an incinerator, this video is for you! Taped at the “Shut Down Stericycle Press Conference” on Capitol Hill in Salt Lake City Utah, this segment features Dr. Ellie…

(EnviroNews Utah) – On friday August 6th, once again, after normal business hours, and after the Utah Department of Air Quality had closed their doors for the day, an amazing emergency bypass even was taped and sent into local EnviroNews Utah. The culprit this time, Stericycle medical waste…