(EnviroNews Utah via Community Watch Blog) – The Stericycle medical waste incineration plant couldn’t have picked a worse time to have another large, visible emergency episode, considering all of the recent controversy swirling around the company. On Friday evening, a 5K race was underway in the North Salt…
(EnviroNews Utah via Community Watch Blog) – This bypass episode was sent into EnviroNews Utah on July 24, 2013 by Beth Brown, a concerned local citizen who runs Studio 2B Photography. Stericycle (medical waste incinerator) was recently busted for being out of compliance with their Title V air…
(EnviroNews Utah) – In a move that few constituents from District 23 could understand, their State Senator, Todd Weiler a Republican, first made a move to defend representatives of Stericycle medical waste incineration facility at an emotional town-hall when they ducked out of the meeting early during a…
(EnviroNews Utah) – The most familiar face in Utah environmentalism addresses a crowd of concerned and even downright angry citizens at a heated town-hall meeting in North Salt Lake. The issue at hand: Stericycle Specialty Waste Solutions, Inc., which is one of the last remaining hazardous medical waste…
(EnviroNews Utah) – A handful of informed citizens in the Greater Salt Lake area had been waiting for this moment for years. That is, the opportunity to engage directly, in an open town hall format, with representatives from one of America’s well-guarded dirty little medical secrets. Stericycle Inc.,…
(EnviroNews Utah) – North Salt Lake City – In a shocking admission Thursday night at a heated town hall meeting, a VP from Stericycle has admitted that the company is allowed to accept and burn deadly and arguably indestructible brain-destroying prions at its North Salt Lake incineration facility…