(EnviroNews Utah) — Duchesne, Utah — [Editor’s Note: This piece formerly had a sub-header. The title was: How Would You Feel about an Oil Drill Rig in Your Backyard? Helpless Residents of Utah’s Duchesne County Are about to Find out Just How It Feels] — The transcript is as follows: One…
(EnviroNews Utah) – A segment discussing Global Warming and House Joint Resolution 12 (HJR 12) from our full feature interview with Utah Republican Governor Gary R. Herbert in the Governor’s Office on Capitol Hill. The hour and fifteen minute interview covers issues exclusively pertaining to the environment, energy,…
(EnviroNews Utah) – A segment discussing natural gas, hydraulic fracturing, and traditional fuels from our full feature interview with Utah Republican Governor Gary R. Herbert in the Governors Office on Capitol Hill. The hour and fifteen minute interview covers issues exclusively of the environment, energy, and human health…
(EnviroNews Utah) – A segment discussing farmers, farming, and the urgency surrounding Climate Change from our full feature interview with Utah Republican Governor Gary R. Herbert in the Governors Office on Capitol Hill. The hour and fifteen minute interview covers issues exclusively pertaining to the environment, energy, and…
(EnviroNews Utah) – A segment discussing free markets and the private sector from our full feature interview with Utah Republican Governor Gary R. Herbert in the Governors Office on Capitol Hill. The hour and fifteen minute interview covers issues exclusively pertaining to the environment, energy, and human health…
(EnviroNews Utah) – A segment discussing coal from our full feature interview with Utah Republican Governor Gary R. Herbert in the Governors Office on Capitol Hill. The hour and fifteen minute interview covers issues exclusively pertaining to the environment, energy, and human health and is the only one…
(EnviroNews Utah) – A segment discussing the incentivizing of individuals for green behavior from our full feature interview with Utah Republican Governor Gary R. Herbert in the Governors Office on Capitol Hill. The hour and fifteen minute interview covers issues exclusively pertaining to the environment, energy, and human…
(EnviroNews Utah) – A segment discussing littering and recycling from our full feature interview with Utah Republican Governor Gary R. Herbert in the Governors Office on Capitol Hill. The hour and fifteen minute interview covers issues exclusively pertaining to the environment, energy, and human health and is the…
(EnviroNews Utah) – A segment discussing Mike Noel (R-Kanab County) from our full feature interview with Utah Republican Governor Gary R. Herbert in the Governors Office on Capitol Hill. The hour and fifteen minute interview covers issues exclusively pertaining to the environment, energy, and human health and is…
(EnviroNews Utah) – According to the Governor of Utah, the economy takes the front seat over air quality for Utah citizens. He continues by making the claim that Utah’s air quality is actually improving. Many scientific authorities do not agree.