(EnviroNews Utah) – Tim DeChristopher reveals to Ashley Anderson, Co-Founder of Peaceful Uprising that a Weber County politician had resigned in light of the magnitude behind the scandal permeating HB 477. Filmed at Peaceful Uprising immediately following the conviction of Tim DeChristopher. Monica Bellenger Reporting.
(EnviroNews Utah) — Salt Lake City, Utah — Jeff Hunt, an attorney for the Utah Media Coalition and one of the original drafting lawyers of the “Grandma Bill” discusses the ramifications of House Bill 477 (HB 477) at a meeting at the Salt Lake City Library March 16,…
(EnviroNews Utah) — Salt Lake City, Utah — Jeff Hunt, an attorney for the Utah Media Coalition and one of the original drafting lawyers of the “Grandma Bill” discusses the ramifications of House Bill 477 (HB 477) at a meeting at the Salt Lake City Library March 16,…
(EnviroNews Utah) — Salt Lake City, Utah — Jeff Hunt, an attorney for the Utah Media Coalition and one of the original drafting lawyers of the “Grandma Bill” discusses the ramifications of House Bill 477 (HB 477) at a meeting at the Salt Lake City Library March 16,…
(EnviroNews Utah) — Salt Lake City — After a blistering speach from Peaceful Uprising co-Founder Ashley Anderson, the singing started and outraged protestors stormed the halls of the Utah State Capitol on the last day of the legislative session in opposition of the controversial HB 477.
(EnviroNews Utah) — Salt Lake City, Utah — Linda Peterson from the Utah Foundation for Open Government denounces HB 477 on Capitol Hill March 10, 2011.
(EnviroNews Utah) — Salt Lake City, Utah — Utah State Representative Rebecca Chavez-Houck Denounces HB 477 on Capitol Hill March 10, 2011.
(EnviroNews Utah) -Salt Lake City, Utah — Cherise Udell, President and Founder of the Utah Moms for Clean Air denounces HB 477 on Capitol Hill March 10, 2011
(EnviroNews Utah) — Salt Lake City, Utah — Matt Pacenza, Policy Director of HEAL Utah, denounces HB 477 on Capitol Hill March 10, 2011
(EnviroNews Utah) — Salt Lake City, Utah — Tom Haraldsen, President of the Utah Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists denounces HB 477 on Capitol Hill March 10, 2011.
(EnviroNews Utah) — Salt Lake City, Utah — It is very rare to hear a news executive take to the podium as an activist, but that is exactly what happened as Renai Bodley, Fox 13 News Director and Vice President of News denounced HB 477 on Capitol Hill…
(EnviroNews Utah) — Salt Lake City, Utah — From an EnviroNews segment in early 2009 with Karen Bergesen. Here, the economic impacts of health care related medical expenses from air pollution are explored. Monica Bellenerg reporting.
(EnviroNews Utah) – A segment discussing Global Warming and House Joint Resolution 12 (HJR 12) from our full feature interview with Utah Republican Governor Gary R. Herbert in the Governor’s Office on Capitol Hill. The hour and fifteen minute interview covers issues exclusively pertaining to the environment, energy,…
(EnviroNews Utah) – A segment discussing natural gas, hydraulic fracturing, and traditional fuels from our full feature interview with Utah Republican Governor Gary R. Herbert in the Governors Office on Capitol Hill. The hour and fifteen minute interview covers issues exclusively of the environment, energy, and human health…
(EnviroNews Utah) – A segment discussing farmers, farming, and the urgency surrounding Climate Change from our full feature interview with Utah Republican Governor Gary R. Herbert in the Governors Office on Capitol Hill. The hour and fifteen minute interview covers issues exclusively pertaining to the environment, energy, and…