(EnviroNews Utah) – A segment discussing the three-year mandate for cleaner air imposed on Utah by the EPA from our full feature interview with Utah Republican Governor Gary R. Herbert in the Governors Office on Capitol Hill. The hour and fifteen minute interview covers issues exclusively pertaining to…
(EnviroNews Utah) – Governor Gary Herbert has been widely chastised by air quality activists in the state of Utah for frequently shifting the blame for Utah’s dangerous “Red Air Days” away from industrial source polluters and back onto the individual. This is demonstrated clearly in this short clip…
(EnviroNews Utah) – A segment discussing Kennecott and their pollution permit from our full feature interview with Utah Republican Governor Gary R. Herbert in the Governor’s Office on Capitol Hill. The hour and fifteen minute interview covers issues exclusively pertaining to the environment, energy, and human health and…
(EnviroNews Utah) – In this segmet, Monica Bellenger pins down Utah Republican Governor Gary R. Herbert regarding the Alton Coal Scandal in the Governor’s Office on Capitol Hill. EnviroNews Utah was the only media source to capture the Governor’s response on camera regarding this controversial issue. The hour…
(EnviroNews Utah) – In this segmet, Monica Bellenger pins down Utah Republican Governor Gary R. Herbert regarding the Alton Coal Scandal in the Governor’s Office on Capitol Hill. EnviroNews Utah was the only media source to capture the Governor’s response on camera regarding this controversial issue. The hour…
(EnviroNews Utah) – A segment discussing the grid and transmission lines from our full feature interview with Utah Republican Governor Gary R. Herbert in the Governor’s Office on Capitol Hill. The hour and fifteen minute interview covers issues exclusively pertaining to the environment, energy, and human health and…
(EnviroNews Utah) – Monica Bellenger pins down Utah Republican Governor Gary R. Herbert regarding local industrial polluters in the Governors Office on Capitol Hill. The hour and fifteen minute interview covers issues exclusively pertaining to the environment, energy, and human health and is the only one of it’s…
(EnviroNews Utah) – A segment discussing diesel fuel from our full feature interview with Utah Republican Governor Gary R. Herbert in the Governor’s Office on Capitol Hill. The hour and fifteen minute interview covers issues exclusively pertaining to the environment, energy, and human health and is the only…
(EnviroNews Utah) – A segment discussing oil and gas mining in the Uintah Basin from our full feature interview with Utah Republican Governor Gary R. Herbert in the Governor’s Office on Capitol Hill. The hour and fifteen minute interview covers issues exclusively pertaining to the environment, energy, and…
(EnviroNews Utah) – A segment discussing diverting state funds from road construction to mass transit from our full feature interview with Utah Republican Governor Gary R. Herbert in the Governor’s Office on Capitol Hill. The hour and fifteen minute interview covers issues exclusively pertaining to the environment, energy,…
(EnviroNews Utah) – Monica Bellenger welcomes Utah Republican Governor Gary R. Herbert at our full feature interview in the Governor’s Office on Capitol Hill. The hour and fifteen minute interview covers issues exclusively pertaining to the environment, energy, and human health and is the only one of its…
(EnviroNews Utah) – This is a highlight reel compiled from various segments captured by EnviroNews Utah in 2009 and 2010. Thank you for watching!
(EnviroNews Utah) – Breathless in Zion: Utah’s Battle for Clean Air is set to be a riveting documentary that will portray the complex political, topographical, environmental, and health issues regarding the horrendous air pollution problem enveloping the greater Salt Lake City area. In the film we will examine…
(EnviroNews Utah) – In this extracted segment from the feature interview between EnviroNews Utah anchor Monica Bellenger and Salt Lake City Mayor Ralph Becker the “Clear the Air Challenge” was discussed. The Clear the Air Challenge is a diverse effort started by Governor Gary Herbert, Mayor Becker, Ben…
(EnviroNews Utah) – On September 15th EnviroNews Utah anchor Monica Bellenger sat down with Salt Lake City Mayor Ralph Becker in his downtown office to discuss specifically the topic of air pollution in the valley, and exactly what can be done about it. In this extract from the…