(EnviroNews California) — Los Angeles — Famed environmental activist and subject of the Academy Award-winning movie ‘Erin Brockovich’ is set to appear in Salt Lake City, Utah on the 28th of this month to speak about one of her newest environmental battles — The fight against Stericycle and…
(EnviroNews California) – The Salt Lake Valley has a high number of industrial air polluters. To be frank, it’s loaded with them and its population is hobbled by some of the most dangerous air pollution on the entire planet. The pollution crisis is so severe, in fact, that…
(EnviroNews California) – Los Angeles – Celebrity activist Erin Brockovich is at it again. That is, taking on BIG polluters. Her most recent endeavor is the obscure and dark world of medical waste, a subject that most Americans have likely spent little time thinking about over the course…
(EnviroNews California) – Los Angeles – In a full-feature sit-down interview with EnviroNews USA Editor-in-Chief Emerson Urry, celebrity activist Erin Brockovich laid down strong messages on an array of environmental topics. From fracking to nuclear meltdowns, this woman is a coast-to-coast, worldwide environmental activism powerhouse. After catapulting into…
(EnviroNews California) – Los Angeles – Erin Brockovich has recently signed on to a new cause, and this time around the battle is only slightly different. Instead of groundwater pollution from PG&E or some other massive industrial source, this time around it’s air pollution. The culprit: Stericycle medical…
(EnviroNews Utah) – Concerned and downright outraged citizens congregated outside preceding a town-hall that featured freshman Republican Congressman Chris Stewart, who just also happens to be the Chair of the Congressional environmental subcommittee. The groups and individals shared a unified message that preached the same ideal from a…
(EnviroNews Utah via Community Watch Blog) – The Stericycle medical waste incineration plant couldn’t have picked a worse time to have another large, visible emergency episode, considering all of the recent controversy swirling around the company. On Friday evening, a 5K race was underway in the North Salt…
(EnviroNews Utah via Community Watch Blog) – North Salt Lake City – Outraged citizens from all over the Salt Lake Valley and even out of state were at it again last Thursday. That is, protesting North Salt Lake’s Stericycle medical waste incineration plant, a facility that the Utah…