(EnviroNews Utah) — Salt Lake City, Utah — Lynn de Freitas, Executive Director of Friends of Great Salt Lake, denounces the planned mine expansion of Kennecott Utah Copper at the Rio Tinto press conference April 14, 2011 at the Salt Lake City Library.
(EnviroNews California) — San Francisco, California — Denise Hamler, Founder of Green Festivals, Green America, and the Green Business Network is Interviewed by Josh Cunnings at the 2011 San Francisco Green Fest.
(EnviroNews California) – Denise Hamler, Founder of Green Festivals, Green America, and the Green Business Network is Interviewed by Josh Cunnings at the 2011 San Francisco Green Fest.
(EnviroNews California) — San Francisco, California — The ingenuity of the human spirit can be truly amazing, but this story takes that ingenuity to a whole new level. Tackling a wildlife quagmire in Sri Lanka, Dr. Karl Wald set out to find a solution that would create jobs,…
(EnviroNews Utah) – This segment features our full feature interview with Michael Mielke of Post Carbon Salt Lake at the Peaceful Uprising warehouse in Salt Lake City immediately following the conviction of Tim DeChristopher. Mielke was the only defense witness in the case. Monica Bellenger reporting.
(EnviroNews Utah) – Tim DeChristopher reveals to Ashley Anderson, Co-Founder of Peaceful Uprising that a Weber County politician had resigned in light of the magnitude behind the scandal permeating HB 477. Filmed at Peaceful Uprising immediately following the conviction of Tim DeChristopher. Monica Bellenger Reporting.
(EnviroNews Utah) — Salt Lake City, Utah — Here is our full feature interview with Tim DeChristopher and Ashley Anderson at the Peaceful Uprising Warehouse in Salt Lake City, Utah immediately following Mr. DeChristopher’s conviction in Federal Court. As a college student, DeChristopher bid on oil and…
(EnviroNews Utah) — Salt Lake City, Utah — Your heart can hardly help but bleed after knowing that this soft-spoken intelligent man of strong conviction, hailed by many as a climate hero, will be spending two long years in Federal prison. As a college student, DeChristopher bid on…
(EnviroNews Utah via Community Watch Blog) — This was fed into the EnviroNews Utah EnviroNews Community Watch Blog via a brave and frustrated citizen who took to a nighttime reconnaissance mission of Holly Oil Refinery with a video camera as his weapon. EnviroNews Utah has documented numerous frustrated…
(EnviroNews Utah) — Salt Lake City, Utah — Jeff Hunt, an attorney for the Utah Media Coalition and one of the original drafting lawyers of the “Grandma Bill” discusses the ramifications of House Bill 477 (HB 477) at a meeting at the Salt Lake City Library March 16,…
(EnviroNews Utah) — Salt Lake City, Utah — Jeff Hunt, an attorney for the Utah Media Coalition and one of the original drafting lawyers of the “Grandma Bill” discusses the ramifications of House Bill 477 (HB 477) at a meeting at the Salt Lake City Library March 16,…
(EnviroNews Utah) — Salt Lake City, Utah — Jeff Hunt, an attorney for the Utah Media Coalition and one of the original drafting lawyers of the “Grandma Bill” discusses the ramifications of House Bill 477 (HB 477) at a meeting at the Salt Lake City Library March 16,…
(EnviroNews Utah) — Salt Lake City, Utah — Ashley Anderson and Tim DeChristopher of Peaceful Uprising leading the charge in protest against HB 477 at the Utah State Capitol.
(EnviroNews Utah) — Salt Lake City — After a blistering speach from Peaceful Uprising co-Founder Ashley Anderson, the singing started and outraged protestors stormed the halls of the Utah State Capitol on the last day of the legislative session in opposition of the controversial HB 477.
(EnviroNews Utah) — Salt Lake City, Utah — Linda Peterson from the Utah Foundation for Open Government denounces HB 477 on Capitol Hill March 10, 2011.