(EnviroNews Idaho) — Rexburg, ID — After an outpouring of community concern a proposed medical waste processing facility, in eastern Idaho, the Madison County Planning and Zoning board voted to advise county commissioners to deny a conditionaluse permit needed for plans to move forward. Although the board voted…
(EnviroNews Idaho) — Sandpoint, Idaho — The environmental activist group Wild Idaho Rising Tide (WIRT) is protesting a megaload in motion. On Friday Aug. 8, the Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) issued a permit for Bigge Crane and Rigging Company to haul the bottom portion of a hydrocracker from…
(EnviroNews Utah) — Well, the “King of the Emergency Bypass” is at it again. What’s that? — Only vomiting one of the deadliest black broths on the planet all over the poor, local, unsuspecting townsfolk. This is the second time in the past week that Stericycle has had…
(EnviroNews Idaho) — Boise — Nearly 98,000 acres have been leased by the state of Idaho for oil and gas drilling within the past two years. Many of those acres are sprawled across the same five counties Umpqua Bank Mortgage Loan Officer Kevin Spencer does business in. With…
(EnviroNews Utah) — North Salt Lake City — Like a child with a bedwetting problem, it would appear that Stericycle medical waste incinerator in North Salt Lake City just can’t help it. That is, they just can’t get their releases under control. The problem is, Stericycle’s emissions are…
(EnviroNews Idaho) — Boise — Until recently, Idaho had almost no oil or gas wells and didn’t need a regulatory Oil and Gas Commission, but new rules allowing for the use of fracking and other technology, while outlining key industry practices like waste water disposal and natural gas…
(EnviroNews Utah) — PR Springs, Utah — On Monday, July 23, 2014, a confrontation between police and environmental activists protesting tar sands development at PR Springs in Utah resulted in two people being injured and 21 people arrested. Between 70 and 80 protesters gathered at the sight of…
(EnviroNews DC News Bureau) — Washington D.C. — Richard Cizik, president of the New Evangelical Partnership for the Common Good, has called for people of faith to search their scriptures and find out what God wants for the planet and for the people on it rather than follow…
(EnviroNews DC News Bureau) — Vernal — Good evening. I’m Heather Murdock reporting to you on EnviroNews USA tonight from Los Angeles, in an absolutely packed episode that is sure to be a shocker for those concerned about air quality, climate change and human health. In response to…
(EnviroNews DC News Bureau) — Washington D.C. — Even before Tom Weis made his call for people to show up at the site of U.S. Oil Sands tar sands development, Utah’s own Utah Tar Sands Resistance (UTSR) has been holding campouts at PR Springs to bring attention to…
(EnviroNews Utah via Community Watch Blog) — North Salt Lake — At about 5 p.m. on Wednesday, May 21, 2014, residents of Foxboro were caught in another Stericycle bypass event as fire and black smoke billowed out of the unfiltered bypass stack at the medical waste incinerator in…
(EnviroNews DC News Bureau) — Washington D.C. — Reverend Lennox Yearwood of the evermore popular Hip Hop Caucus, was interviewed on EnviroNews USA by Rob Brune. The transcript is as follows: Rob Brune: How were you received with the tour of the colleges? Reverend Lennox Yearwood: The tour…
(EnviroNews DC News Bureau) — Washington D.C. — Tom Weis, President of Climate Crisis Solutions was interviewed on EnviroNews DC by Rob Brune. Weis has a strong background in conservation, wind and renewable energy, as well as political organizing. The transcript is as follows: Rob Brune: Okay, I’m…
(EnviroNews Utah) — Woods Cross — Well, it’s happened again — meaning, the old Wood Cross’s Silver Eagle oil refinery has had yet another explosive episode in what has now caused the evacuation of a local elementary school while leaving nearby residents complaining of headaches and health problems.…
(EnviroNews DC News Bureau) — The debate against the Keystone Pipeline heated up this past weekend as two traditionally opposed groups came together in an effort to defeat a project that threatens aquifers, sacred lands, and frankly, all life on Earth. The Cowboy and Indian Alliance formed a…