(EnviroNews Utah) – PRION: a word that many have never even heard before, but little do they know that this deadly and virulent “pest” may be lurking right on their dinner plate, or inside their cute little pets Fluffy and Rover, or even right in dear ol’ Gramma’s…
(EnviroNews Utah) – “DO NO HARM”: That is the essence of the Hippocratic Oath uttered by roughly 98% of all American medical students upon graduation, but at that point, little do many of them realize that a dirty and downright sinister corner of the greater medical complex is…
(EnviroNews Utah) – Demonstrators rallied together outside of the Sweet Library in the Avenues of Salt Lake City on Wednesday to send a loud and clear message: “We believe in science!” The town-hall featuring freshman Republican congressman Chris Stewart drew the crowd of disgruntled citizens due in large…
(EnviroNews Utah) – Salt Lake City – “Let me challenge you on something. Would you be willing to bet your house against my house, that you cannot find anywhere where I said, or advocated, or suggested that we dissolve the EPA? Would you be willing to do that?”…
(EnviroNews Utah) – In this episode of community activism wherein a multitude of Utah’s top environmental groups had coalesced around a town-hall featuring freshman Republican Congressman Chris Stewart, just about everything you can imagine went down. Following a warmup rally where the groups were protesting Stewart’s controversial subpoenaing…
(EnviroNews Utah via Community Watch Blog) – North Salt Lake City – Outraged citizens from all over the Salt Lake Valley and even out of state were at it again last Thursday. That is, protesting North Salt Lake’s Stericycle medical waste incineration plant, a facility that the Utah…
(EnviroNews Utah) – The most familiar face in Utah environmentalism addresses a crowd of concerned and even downright angry citizens at a heated town-hall meeting in North Salt Lake. The issue at hand: Stericycle Specialty Waste Solutions, Inc., which is one of the last remaining hazardous medical waste…
(EnviroNews Utah) – A handful of informed citizens in the Greater Salt Lake area had been waiting for this moment for years. That is, the opportunity to engage directly, in an open town hall format, with representatives from one of America’s well-guarded dirty little medical secrets. Stericycle Inc.,…
(EnviroNews Utah) – Following Stericycle’s admission last Thursday night where the company acknowledged it is allowed to accept and burn deadly and largely indestructible prions, protestors took to the streets outside one of the nation’s last standing medical waste incineration plants. Prions are the malformed proteins responsible for…
(EnviroNews Utah) – On March 23rd, protestors of the now approved tar sands project in PR Springs, Utah delivered a row of small coffins to the Chevron Refinery in Salt Lake City, in response to the refineries recent expansion plans that would enable them to accommodate future tar…