(EnviroNews California) — Point Reyes National Seashore, Marin County, California — Nearly 300 “elktivists” made their voices heard on September 27, 2020 at a large demonstration inside the Point Reyes National Seashore at the gates of Clover Dairy. The crowd gathered to support tule elk (Cervus canadensis nannodes) and…
(EnviroNews Montana) — On Sep. 25, Chief Judge Brian Morris of the Montana District Court barred William Perry Pendley from serving as the head of the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM). The lawsuit brought against Secretary of the Interior David Bernhardt is a win for Governor Steve Bullock…
(EnviroNews Utah) — Blanding, Utah — Energy Fuels Resources USA Inc.’s (Energy Fuels) White Mesa Mill is importing 136 tons of radioactive material from Japan, and the public has no say in the matter, according to the Salt Lake Tribune – Utah’s most widely circulated newspaper. The shipment was…
(EnviroNews Nature) — Washington D.C. — On Sep. 9, 2020, Senator John Barrasso (R-WY), Chair of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works (EPW), held a hearing called: Successful State Stewardship: A Legislative Hearing to Examine S.614, the Grizzly Bear State Management Act (GBSMA). S.614 was introduced to…
(EnviroNews Headline News Desk) — Portland, Oregon — On Sep. 10, 2020, Leah Stokes, researcher on climate and energy policy and assistant professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara, spoke to Amy Goodman of Democracy Now! about the raging fires on the West Coast and how they are…
(EnviroNews DC News Bureau) — Washington D.C. — The Endangered Species Act (ESA/the Act), in its original form, required listing decisions to be made based on science and trade data without any other considerations given for any reason. But a Trump Administration rollback in 2017 and finalized on…
(EnviroNews Nature) — Washington D.C. — Rusty patched bumblebees (Bombus affinis) buzz, they bumble, they vibrate, and they knock a helluva lot of pollen loose from the flowers they visit — more than honeybees to be sure. They can fly and work in colder temperatures too, making them…
(EnviroNews DC News Bureau) — Washington D.C. — On Aug. 17, 2020, the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) fulfilled its obligation to Congress and released the parameters it would use to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) to commercial oil and gas development for the first time….
(EnviroNews DC News Bureau) — Washington D.C. — On August 13, 2020, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rolled back methane emission standards for the oil and gas industry, and it’s not the only substance the agency plans to liberate from regulatory control. The rules being rescinded required producers to…
(EnviroNews USA Headline News Desk) — San Francisco, California — Cliven Bundy’s occupation of federal land will go unchallenged by the U.S. Government after the 9th U.S. Court of Appeals denied a motion to resurrect the case on Aug. 6, 2020. The legal battle stems from a 2014 incident…