Department of Air Quality Archives - Page 2 of 44 - EnviroNews | The Environmental News Specialists
Tag Archives: Department of Air Quality

(EnviroNews California) – The Salt Lake Valley has a high number of industrial air polluters. To be frank, it’s loaded with them and its population is hobbled by some of the most dangerous air pollution on the entire planet. The pollution crisis is so severe, in fact, that…

(EnviroNews Utah via Community Watch Blog) – The Stericycle medical waste incineration plant couldn’t have picked a worse time to have another large, visible emergency episode, considering all of the recent controversy swirling around the company. On Friday evening, a 5K race was underway in the North Salt…

(EnviroNews Utah) – According to documents on the Department of Environmental Quality website, Stericycle’s permit needs to be renewed by August 19, 2013. The company’s current permit expires on Feb. 19, 2014. Regg Olsen is listed as the contact at the Department of Air Quality (DAQ) in charge…

(EnviroNews Utah) – With the North Salt Lake and Foxboro communities up in arms regarding compliance issues for Stericycle medical incinerator, protestors gathered outside the hazardous waste plant with a unified message of immediate and total shut down of the controversial business. Stericycle had been busted earlier this…

(EnviroNews Utah) – EDITOR’S NOTE: When originally released, this documentary filmed was titled, “Families Camp Out in Protest to Save the Tavaputs Plateau from America’s First Approved Commercial Tar Sands Mine.” The transcript reads as follows: Tar sands, oil sands, asphalt, and bituminous sands. These names all represent…