(EnviroNews Utah) – The views expressed in this interview are the opinions of the interviewee and do not necessarily represent the views of EnviroNews or its corresponding journalists, executives, or affiliated networks. Emerson Urry: Okay, we’re here on Environews Utah this evening with an ex-employee of the Stericycle medical waste incineration…
(EnviroNews Utah) — Well, the “King of the Emergency Bypass” is at it again. What’s that? — Only vomiting one of the deadliest black broths on the planet all over the poor, local, unsuspecting townsfolk. This is the second time in the past week that Stericycle has had…
(EnviroNews Utah via Community Watch Blog) — North Salt Lake — At about 5 p.m. on Wednesday, May 21, 2014, residents of Foxboro were caught in another Stericycle bypass event as fire and black smoke billowed out of the unfiltered bypass stack at the medical waste incinerator in…
(EnviroNews Utah) — Woods Cross — Well, it’s happened again — meaning, the old Wood Cross’s Silver Eagle oil refinery has had yet another explosive episode in what has now caused the evacuation of a local elementary school while leaving nearby residents complaining of headaches and health problems….
(EnviroNews DC News Bureau via EnviroNews Utah) – Salt Lake City – People are dropping over dead in the streets along the Wasatch Front from Utah’s absolutely debilitating and deadly air-pollution crisis. If that sounds a little harsh, it isn’t, and as a matter of fact, it is…
(EnviroNews Utah) – Salt Lake City – It was difficult to find an environmental group that wasn’t involved in some way, shape or form last weekend in the “Clean Air, No Excuses” Rally held on a sunny and relatively clear, low smog day at the Utah State Capitol….
(EnviroNews Utah) – Salt Lake City – Rep. Patrice Arent of District 36 took to the podium to address a crowd of approximately 5,000 on Saturday in what would play out as the largest environmental rally/protest in Utah State history. Her message — “Our voices must not stop…
(EnviroNews Utah) – Salt Lake City – Amidst the announcement that Stericycle is now intending to move their medical waste incinerating plant from North Salt Lake to Tooele, Bob Bowcock of Team Erin Brockovich took to the podium in what turned out to be the largest environmental protest…
(EnviroNews Utah) – Salt Lake City – Peaceful Uprising has demanded that the Department of Air Quality (DAQ) ban all tar sands refining in the state of Utah, and has called upon them to reject any further permit requests for tar sands refining or development in the future….
(EnviroNews Utah) – North Salt Lake – In light of recent events, it would seem that it doesn’t matter at all to Stericycle medical waste incinerator just how much public pressure came down on them last year — nor does it apparently matter how much outrage and nationwide…