(EnviroNews Utah) – Salt Lake City – On Jan. 8, 2014, Lionel Trepanier of Utah Tar Sands Resistance turned his back on a “failed” Air Quality Board and addressed the audience attending a meeting where the Board was voting to pass or reject the State Implementation Plan (SIP)…
(EnviroNews Utah via Community Watch Blog) – North Salt Lake City – Yesterday, at around 7:50 a.m., a concerned citizen pulled out a camera and snapped photos of fire atop the Chevron smokestack coupled with a massive belch of black smoke from the old refinery in North Salt…
(EnviroNews California) – The Salt Lake Valley has a high number of industrial air polluters. To be frank, it’s loaded with them and its population is hobbled by some of the most dangerous air pollution on the entire planet. The pollution crisis is so severe, in fact, that…
(EnviroNews Utah via Community Watch Blog) – The Stericycle medical waste incineration plant couldn’t have picked a worse time to have another large, visible emergency episode, considering all of the recent controversy swirling around the company. On Friday evening, a 5K race was underway in the North Salt…
(EnviroNews Utah via Community Watch Blog) – This documentation of an emergency bypass event at Silver Eagle oil refinery was taped and sent into EnviroNews Utah via the Community Watch. The large toxic burp was seen, heard, and smelled between 5:10 and 5:20 PM on August 19, 2013….
(EnviroNews Utah) – In a move that few constituents from District 23 could understand, their State Senator, Todd Weiler a Republican, first made a move to defend representatives of Stericycle medical waste incineration facility at an emotional town-hall when they ducked out of the meeting early during a…
(EnviroNews Utah) – According to documents on the Department of Environmental Quality website, Stericycle’s permit needs to be renewed by August 19, 2013. The company’s current permit expires on Feb. 19, 2014. Regg Olsen is listed as the contact at the Department of Air Quality (DAQ) in charge…
(EnviroNews Utah) – With the North Salt Lake and Foxboro communities up in arms regarding compliance issues for Stericycle medical incinerator, protestors gathered outside the hazardous waste plant with a unified message of immediate and total shut down of the controversial business. Stericycle had been busted earlier this…
(EnviroNews Utah) – Today in Salt Lake City, at a Questar natural gas refueling station, Governor Gary R. Herbert launched his UCAIR program to address Utah’s critical air pollution problem. The Governor proposed an array of ideas to help reduce air pollution along the Wasatch Front that were…
(EnviroNews Utah) — Salt Lake City — Dr. Michelle Hoffman, Pediatrician and founding member of the non-profit air quality activist group Breathe Utah, spoke without restraint today regarding the health dangers of “red air” day pollution at the Governors UCAIR press conference. She challenged the crowd to see…