(EnviroNews Utah) — Salt Lake City, Utah — In what turned out to be a huge blow to environmentalists and Utah air pollution fighters alike, two highly anticipated bills, House Bill 121 and Senate Bill 164, put forth by Republican Representative Becky Edwards and Democratic Senator Gene Davis…
(EnviroNews Utah) — Salt Lake City, Utah — Utah often has the most dangerous air pollution in the United States, frequently and repeatedly soaring high above EPA compliance limits for what is considered “safe” for PM 2.5 particulate pollution. The health-hampering air crisis has become the number one…
(EnviroNews Utah) — North Salt Lake City, Utah — At a protest titled “Protest or Celebration? Governor Herbert? You Decide!”, Natasha Hinks-Henderson, co-helms-woman of Communities for Clean Air took the megaphone in front of the Stericycle medical waste incineration plant in North Salt Lake City, Utah. The protest…
(EnviroNews Utah) — North Salt Lake City, Utah — At a protest titled “Protest or Celebration? Governor Herbert? You Decide!”, Alicia Connell, helms-woman of Communities for Clean Air took the megaphone in front of the Stericycle medical waste incineration plant in North Salt Lake City, Utah. The protest…
(EnviroNews Utah) — Salt Lake City Utah — On Wednesday, Sept. 17, 2014, Communities for Clean Air (CCA) and Utah Physicians for a Healthy Environment (UPHE) held a press conference calling for the shutdown of Stericycle, based on the allegations from a former employee made in an interview…
(EnviroNews Utah) – Salt Lake City – In a press conference at the state capitol on Feb. 13, 2014, Dr. Brian Moench, president of Utah Physicians for a Healthy Environment lambasted the Utah Department of Health’s recently released Stericycle and Cancer study and the representation of that study…
(EnviroNews Utah) – Salt Lake City – Concerned neighbors in Foxboro and South Davis County are not satisfied with the proposed move of Stericycle’s medical waste incineration plant a mere 30 miles away to Tooele. Not only is that still in the Wasatch airshed where Stericycle has been…
(EnviroNews DC News Bureau via EnviroNews Utah) – Salt Lake City – People are dropping over dead in the streets along the Wasatch Front from Utah’s absolutely debilitating and deadly air-pollution crisis. If that sounds a little harsh, it isn’t, and as a matter of fact, it is…
(EnviroNews Utah) – Salt Lake City – It was difficult to find an environmental group that wasn’t involved in some way, shape or form last weekend in the “Clean Air, No Excuses” Rally held on a sunny and relatively clear, low smog day at the Utah State Capitol….
(EnviroNews Utah) – Salt Lake City – Rep. Patrice Arent of District 36 took to the podium to address a crowd of approximately 5,000 on Saturday in what would play out as the largest environmental rally/protest in Utah State history. Her message — “Our voices must not stop…