(EnviroNews DC News Bureau) — As President Obama galavants around the Alaskan Arctic with the press this week in a historic climate tour reinforcing his “All-of-the-Above” energy policy, a group of diverse and well-known environmental leaders says that philosophy just won’t cut it — and it collectively released…
(EnviroNews Alaska) — Chukchi Sea — Maintaining wildlife observers, installing a 30-foot piece of equipment called a “capping stack” and drilling only one site at a time, represent just a few of the requirements placed on Royal Dutch Shell in order to continue its exploratory mission for deep-ocean…
(EnviroNews DC News Bureau) — Washington DC — EnviroNews Editorial: How quickly we forget, or shall we say, how quickly the U.S. Department of the Interior forgets, as it has now given the go ahead for Shell Oil Company to commence drilling activities in the arctic’s Chukchi Sea….