(EnviroNews Utah) – It’s coming down to the wire on what some are calling the most critical environmental issue in Utah state history. Republican Governor Gary R. Herbert is poised to sign off on what has now been coined the Snake Valley Water Grab, which aims to ship…
(EnviroNews Utah) – Today, Cherise Udell, Founder and President of the Utah Mom’s For Clean Air, alongside of the Utah Physicians For a Healthy Environment and WildEarth Guardians announced the filing of a joint lawsuit against Kennecott Utah Copper. The suit claims that Kennecott is responsible for a…
(EnviroNews Utah) -Salt Lake City, Utah — Cherise Udell, President and Founder of the Utah Moms for Clean Air denounces HB 477 on Capitol Hill March 10, 2011
(EnviroNews Utah) — Salt Lake City, Utah — In this segment in early 2009, Salt Lake City School children weigh in on Utah’s horrendous air pollution problem at a protest on Capitol Hill orchestrated by the Utah Mom’s for Clean Air. The children had been kept in from…
(EnviroNews Utah) — Salt Lake City, Utah — This newsreel showcases heated air pollution protests on Capitol Hill in Utah. The protests were initiated by the Utah Mom’s for Clean Air and others after weeks on end of “Red Air Days” where children were not allowed to go…
(EnviroNews Utah) — Salt Lake City, Utah — Here, Monica Bellenger sums up Utah’s dire air pollution problem and discusses the three year mandate placed on Utah by the EPA to meet stricter air quality standards.
(EnviroNews Utah) – This is a highlight reel compiled from various segments captured by EnviroNews Utah in 2009 and 2010. Thank you for watching!
(EnviroNews Utah) – Cherise Udell rips Kennecott Utah Copper and Rio Tinto at the Fossil Fools Day of Action near one of their coal-fired power facilities in Salt Lake City. “The pollution that Kennecott creates is harming my children’s lungs, and every child in Utah. It’s harming unborn…
(EnviroNews Utah) – Breathless in Zion: Utah’s Battle for Clean Air is set to be a riveting documentary that will portray the complex political, topographical, environmental, and health issues regarding the horrendous air pollution problem enveloping the greater Salt Lake City area. In the film we will examine…