(EnviroNews Utah) — Salt Lake City — Geneva Steel is highlighted for its link to a 100% increase in pulmonary/cardiovascular hospitalization rates in Utah County during the 5 year period after it opened by Dr. Howie Garber, and emergency room physician.
(EnviroNews Utah) – In a press conference of unparalleled environmental magnitude on Capitol Hill yesterday, a group of prominent physicians including former Utah Medical Association President Cris Cowley took the podium in front of local news media in what they deemed as an air pollution “public health emergency”.…
(EnviroNews Utah) — Dr. Brent Muhlestein of the Utah Physicians for a Healthy Environment (UPHE) discusses the results of a UPHE study that reveals that just a small increase in air pollution can have a significant increase in heart attack.
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(EnviroNews Utah) – Although Utah’s infamous “RED AIR DAY” warning signs have been mysteriously out of commission through one of the most hazardous air pollution streaks in modern history, Utah’s citizens are no strangers to what is asked of them when the pollution get’s bad. Everyone knows that…
(EnviroNews Utah) – Tim Wagner, Public Lands Specialist for the Sierra Club, took the podium at the HEAL Utah-sponsored “Clean Energy Now Rally” at the Salt Palace in Salt Lake City, Utah last week. The topic of his speech was what he referred to as an attempt at…
(EnviroNews Nevada) – On a cold and gloomy day in Salt Lake City a hoard of protestors gathered outside of the Gary Herbert Energy Summit to detest an array of what they deemed to be failed energy policy and industrial polluter giveaways. Amongst the array of speakers was…
(EnviroNews Utah) – Joan Gregory is no stranger to environmental activism. She told her story to EnviroNews Utah last year after being arrested in Washington DC for singing in the halls of Congress over mountain top removal on the East Coast. Her mission this time around: Speaking out…
(EnviroNews Utah) – On a chilly day in Salt Lake City Utah, demonstators gathered in protest of Governor Gary R. Herbert’s energy summit. Amongst the multitude of speakers was Dr. Claron D. Aldridge of the Utah Physicians for a Healthy Environment who gave an energetic sermon-like speech in…