Conservative Utah Gov. Gary Herbert Rips Steve Bannon a New One For His 'Mormon Bigotry' - EnviroNews | The Environmental News Specialists

Conservative Utah Gov. Gary Herbert Rips Steve Bannon a New One For His ‘Mormon Bigotry’


(EnviroNews Politics Desk) — Salt Lake City, Utah — Highly conservative Utah Governor Gary R. Herbert (R) fired back at Steve Bannon with a lingual assault Wednesday, after Bannon, Executive Chairman of Breitbart News, made religious comments aimed at Mitt Romney — a devout member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS/Mormonism).

The battlefield Herbert chose for the war of words is social media, putting out statements on both his Facebook and Twitter profiles, lambasting Bannon for what he says are un-American values, and telling the freshly-resigned former White House Chief Strategist to President Trump, to steer clear of the Beehive State entirely.

“Steve Bannon, #stayout of Utah. We don’t need you. We don’t want you. You don’t line up with American values. You don’t line up with Utah values,” Herbert wrote on his Facebook page.

Bannon’s controversial comments came Tuesday night at a rally for controversial Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore, who has been accused by multiple women for being a child molester.

“And by the way, Mitt, while we’re on the subject of Vietnam and honor and integrity, you avoided service, brother,” Bannon said at the event. “Mitt, here’s how it is, brother: The college deferments, we can debate that — but you hid behind your religion. You went to France to be a missionary while guys were dying in rice paddies in Vietnam. Do not talk to me about honor and integrity.”

The reason Bannon attacked Romney to begin with was a Tweet the former Massachusetts Governor made about Moore where he said the country would loose “honor” and “integrity” if Moore reaches the Senate.

Utah Republican Senators Mike Lee and Orrin Hatch also came to Romney’s defense in their own social media rebuttals, standing up for Romney and defending his service to the country.

People will now have to wait and see if Steve Bannon will fire back at the LDS politicians from Utah, and if he will take Senator Hatch up on his offer to read the Book of Mormon.

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