Video: GOP Rep. Adam Kinzinger Verbally Body-Slams Tucker Carlson for His ‘Evil’ Pro-Putin ‘Lies’; Calls Him ‘Self-Serving Showboat’

(EnviroNews Politics Desk) — Controversial Fox News host Tucker Carlson invited Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) onto his show. Instead of accepting, Kinzinger turned around and verbally body-slammed Carlson in a video of his own, posted on his Twitter account where he called the host out for supporting Russian President Vladimir Putin and pumping “evil” Russian propaganda.
Kinzinger explained his boycott by accusing Carlson of “spreading lies” about US-backed bioweapons labs in Ukraine — a notion widely debunked as pure Russian propaganda. Both the White House and NATO have warned the fabrication may be part of a Russian strategy to launch its own false-flag biological attacks in Ukraine.
And Kinzinger took it a step further when he said he would never appear on Carlson’s show again. “There’s no way I’ll go on the show for a number of reasons,” Kinzinger said. “But first, let me state that [Carlson’s] insistence that the West was provoking war with Putin, his spreading lies about bio-labs and his continued spewing of conspiracy theories are nothing but complete evil… His show is full of Russian propaganda and not news, and I will not validate his show by making an appearance.”
Carlson has picked on Kinzinger in the past for his critical comments of former President Donald Trump and for his vote to impeach Trump over his own scandal involving Ukraine. Kinginger, alongside Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY), has been the lone voice of bipartisanship on the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol.
Tucker Carlson invited me on his show tonight, but that’s not going to happen…ever. While he echoes Putin’s lies, I’ll remain focused on supporting the Ukrainian people. My video statement:
— Adam Kinzinger (@AdamKinzinger) March 14, 2022
In his video, Kinzinger also suggested Carlson’s invitation was merely a stunt to garner more views — and hence, more profit — and said he was refusing to “further empower his garbage.” And the Illinois Congressman didn’t stop there.
He also went after Carlson’s interview tactics and accused him of mistreating guests and pulling unethical stunts. “When Tucker interviews someone in a hostile way, he interrupts and laughs when he has been caught in a lie,” Kinzinger asserted. “And after the segment’s over, he brings on another guest to try to discredit any statement made by the prior guest without counter.”
Carlson has taken heat for multiple statements made on Fox News since Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24. Amongst those, the host has suggested Ukraine is “not a democracy” and said Russia’s build up of troops in February was merely a “border issue.”
“Has Putin ever called me a racist?” Carlson said on air. “Has he threatened to get me fired for disagreeing with him? Did he manufacture a worldwide pandemic that wrecked my business and kept me indoors for two years? Is he teaching my children to embrace racial discrimination?”
Earlier this month, David Corn of Mother Jones bylined a report that revealed a leaked memo from the Kremlin to Russian media outlets, telling them it was “essential” to feature Carlson in their broadcasts. The 12-page Kremlin-born document read:
It is essential to use as much as possible fragments of broadcasts of the popular Fox News host Tucker Carlson, who sharply criticizes the actions of the United States [and] NATO, their negative role in unleashing the conflict in Ukraine, [and] the defiantly provocative behavior from the leadership of the Western countries and NATO towards the Russian Federation and towards President Putin, personally.

The transcript to Adam Kinzinger’s video rebuking Tucker Carlson reads as follows:
I got an invitation to do Tucker Carlson’s show tonight, and there is no way I’ll go on his show for a number of reasons. But first, let me state that his insistence that the West was provoking war with Putin, his spreading lies about bio-labs, and his consistent spewing of conspiracy theories, are nothing but complete evil.
His show is full of Russian propaganda and not news, and I will not validate his show by making an appearance. I do not want to be associated with it in any way.
And we all know what would happen and we all know what the goal is: we know the interview would be promoted to get more viewers to make more money to further empower his garbage.
And let’s talk tactics: when Tucker interviews someone in a hostile way, he interrupts — and laughs when he’s been caught in a lie. And after the segment is over, he brings on another guest to try to discredit any statement made by the prior guest, without counter. He’s not interested in conversations, he’s only interested in himself. And at the end of the day, he’ll continue to use his platform to deceive his all-too-trusting viewers, and to further his own sense of power.
The situation in Ukraine is serious and the outlook is dire. And this moment requires serious conversation and decisive action, not a self-serving showboat clamoring for more clicks tonight. So, rather than validate his propaganda programming, I’m going to use my effort to support the Ukrainian people.
So, if you’re interested in joining me, please consider donating to the “Stand With Ukraine” fund. It’s at And 100 percent of the money raised will go to humanitarian aid for those still in Ukraine and for those who’ve become refugees.
Tucker has made it clear: he stands with Putin and his war against freedom. I stand with Ukraine, democracy and the men and women willing to fight and die for their country.
Finally, Sofia [Kinzinger] and I want to offer our prayers for Benjamin Hall — a Fox News reporter injured in Ukraine. The job they do is dangerous and appreciated. This makes Tucker’s position all the more disgusting.
- Emerson Urry - Journalist, Author