Canadian MP Just Ripped Trump a New One in Speech all Americans Should Hear: ‘We will never, ever, ever kiss the ring of that gangster from Mar-a-Lago’

(EnviroNews Politics Desk) — Ottawa, Canada — Even if you were going through a rough patch with your best friend, would your approach be to cold-cock sucker-punch them in the face with a right hook at a party in front of all your mutual friends? Or, might you choose first to quietly try and resolve any issues behind closed doors by respectfully talking with each other? Apparently, for President Donald J. Trump, the diplomatic choice is clear as he repeatedly punches Canada in the mouth, threatening to annex America’s closest military, intelligence and trade ally as the “51st state.”
To boot, Canada sends 20 million visitors a year to its southernly neighbor, contributing some $20 billion annually to America’s economy in tourism funds alone — a trend many Canadians plan on breaking as a widespread boycotts of U.S. goods and travel takes hold across the country. The movement carries a petition called Pledge for Canada that has been signed by over 70,000 people thus far.
Trump has thrown further jabs by referring to outgoing Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as “Governor Trudeau.” But members of Canada’s Parliament aren’t taking Trump’s bully tactics lying down and are jumping into the conversation, firing back with some bomb-dropping punches of their own.
In a scathing speech in front of the press that gained attention around the world, Charlie Angus MP, representing Timmins-James Bay, took the gloves off, delivering a stunning blow to both Trump, and the United States at large, saying in conclusion, “[Canadians] are strong, we do not bend, and we will never, ever, ever kiss the ring of that gangster from Mar-a-Lago.” The video and a full transcript of the speech are just below.
Charlie Angus, MP: Good morning and happy Valentines Day. I want to say this morning how much I love my country. We don’t tend to do that in Canada. We think that that’s kind of gauche. We don’t feel that we need to say how much we love our country. But when we see the criminal gang that has taken control in Washington telling us we do not have a right to our nation, well, oh yeah, not only am I going to love my country and its values and the people from one end of this beautiful nation to another, but I’m going to work with those ordinary Canadians to defend our right to continue to exist as an independent nation.
And for this, on the eve of the 60th anniversary of the Canadian flag I encourage Canadians to reflect what that symbol means — that symbol that has been in war zones — that symbol that was [there] as Canadians went to fight famines in other countries — that symbol of openness and inclusion that is the direct opposite to the politics of Elon Musk and Donald Trump.
This week, we saw the shameful actions by Donald Trump to negotiation with Vladimir Putin — another gangster — to sell the people of Ukraine out. [Trump] thinks that Vladimir Putin is a savvy genius and [Trump] detests our country? Well, he’s sending us a very clear message of the kind of man he is. Our neighbors are no longer our allies. We are dealing with a regime next door to us that is ignoring the international rule of law and we have to take this dead serious as a nation, with our political leaders, but [also] with ordinary Canadians.
So, what do we do right now? Well, I’m extremely encouraged by the incredible response we’ve received from the Pledge for Canada that’s now, in just the space of two weeks had over 62,000 people sign up — people from across the political spectrum: Former Prime Minister Kim Campbell, Former Attorney General Allan Rock, Former Premier Danny Williams, but also the incredible artists and indigenous activists and labor activists and ordinary people across this country who said that there is a value to our nation that we are willing to defend.
And I also want to encourage and thank the ordinary people who, on their own, began the boycott of all things American. Now, some might think, well, you know, if you just choose not to go down to Tennessee this year, who’s going to notice? Well, right now, we’re seeing the American tourism industry is in full-on panic. There are now over $2 billion in travel that is at risk. That’s 140,000 American jobs. That’s if just 10 percent of Canadians cancel their trips. It’s still too early to say how many are cancelling, but from the evidence we are gathering, it’s much much higher than 10 percent.
And it’s about sending a message — sending a message to Texas Governor Greg Abbott who said, Canada was going to “learn a lesson.” Oh really? Texas is going to teach Canada a lesson (laughs)? Well, we’ve got $400 million worth of travel that goes to Texas Mr. Abbott. How about we teach you a lesson and say we’ve got better places to go than Texas? If that’s your attitude of Canadians we will not go. Hell no we will not go!
The boycott is going to target many, many areas of the United States that are very vulnerable right now. Kentucky has already started to speak up about the huge losses that they’re facing in Kentucky bourbon and Kentucky whiskey because their number one market is Canadians. So, when Canadians stop buying, it’s sending a message. And we know this is the only way right now that Americans that are going to be able to put pressure on Donald Trump, because what’s at risk here is the future of an international order where we respect the rights of countries to be independent, we respect the international rule of law, we respect our neighbors and our borders and this is something Mr. Trump is saying he will not respect.
So, on this festival where we celebrate Canada as a nation and our flag, I am encouraged, I want to thank Canadians, I want to say we are strong, we do not bend, and we will never, ever, ever kiss the ring of that gangster from Mar-a-Lago. So, let’s celebrate this 60th anniversary for Canada and our flag in a way that we have never done before. Thank you, merci, any questions?
- Emerson Urry - Journalist, Author